Be ready when opportunity comes...Luck is the time when preparation and opportunity meet.
Roy D. Chapin Jr.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm Back & Relocating Blogs!!!

As much fun as it was reading through my blogs from last year it is time to switch gears into writing under a new blog page!  (I will point out though that my Lemon blog did get 663 views . . . I found that very interesting!)

My new blog address with be mailto:%22SyscoSarah%22@blog . . . . yada yada yada.  The new agenda, hinted by the name of the blog, will be to use all of my foodie pictures, creations, recipies and EVERYTHING food that I continue to play with on Facebook to a new business format where my customers can also go to follow! 

It seems that the more I learn about food, play with food, etc . . . that I continue to take MORE pictures and post MORE food than I'm sure the average person cares to see on Facebook.  Although I do have some customers that I could teach how to use their product or inspire them into creating as well.  More importantly is I can finally go into all the geeky details of what I am creating at home, even my simple breakfast, lunches, dinners, desserts and of course the list could go on!

So I'd invite anyone to follow me on this new blogpage and exciting new adventure.  Who knows, maybe you'll even get to expand your own cullinary skills or just put something new in front of the fam for the night!  For the record the first posting I'll be working on is the Raspberry Angel Food Cake that Lily has requested for her birthday cake this weekend!  I'm sure the entire catering of this event will follow in quick succession too!

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